Mentone @ Typekit

Mentone Light 300
Light Italic

Mentone Semibold 600
Semibold Italic


Mentone is a new general purpose typeface, an attempt at extending the line of the great sans-serifs of the previous century. The font has round corners and subtle chamfers, which are all but invisible at text sizes, but add an upbeat, irreverent expression at display sizes.

Mentone is a new general purpose typeface, an attempt at extending the line of the great sans-serifs of the previous century. The font has round corners and subtle chamfers, which are all but invisible at text sizes, but add an upbeat, irreverent expression at display sizes.

Mentone is a new general purpose typeface, an attempt at extending the line of the great sans-serifs of the previous century. The font has round corners and subtle chamfers, which are all but invisible at text sizes, but add an upbeat, irreverent expression at display sizes.

Mentone is a new general purpose typeface, an attempt at extending the line of the great sans-serifs of the previous century. The font has round corners and subtle chamfers, which are all but invisible at text sizes, but add an upbeat, irreverent expression at display sizes.

Mentone Regular 400
Regular Italic

Mentone Bold 700
Bold Italic


Mentone is a new general purpose typeface, an attempt at extending the line of the great sans-serifs of the previous century. The font has round corners and subtle chamfers, which are all but invisible at text sizes, but add an upbeat, irreverent expression at display sizes.

Mentone is a new general purpose typeface, an attempt at extending the line of the great sans-serifs of the previous century. The font has round corners and subtle chamfers, which are all but invisible at text sizes, but add an upbeat, irreverent expression at display sizes.

Mentone is a new general purpose typeface, an attempt at extending the line of the great sans-serifs of the previous century. The font has round corners and subtle chamfers, which are all but invisible at text sizes, but add an upbeat, irreverent expression at display sizes.

Mentone is a new general purpose typeface, an attempt at extending the line of the great sans-serifs of the previous century. The font has round corners and subtle chamfers, which are all but invisible at text sizes, but add an upbeat, irreverent expression at display sizes.

All images and graphic elements in this site are protected by copyright © 1996–2025 Paragraph®. All rights reserved. Mentone™ is a trademark of Paragraph.

Green numbers next to fontnames
indicate recommended weights for
use in CSS definitions